June is really boom time in your greenhouse and everything will be growing like crazy. With the longest day of the year fast approaching – June 21st – we should hopefully have warmer weather and more hours of sunlight, so it’s time to give some thought as to what tasks we should be carrying out in the greenhouse.
Just in case this June does decide to be a glorious one, you need to pay close attention to ventilation; as plants begin to flourish, it is important to make sure that there is good airflow all around them and that they do not become overcrowded. In warm weather, keep your Elite greenhouse from overheating by opening the vents and louvres it is fitted with. On hot days, damp down your greenhouse to increase humidity and deter mites. Using Smart Thermometers can help you track the temperatures in the greenhouse during the day, and make any necessary changes to your ventilation system.
Now is the time to complete the planting out of all bedding and half-hardy plants. Harden off the annuals you have nurtured in the warmth of the greenhouse and move them out into the garden. Any hanging baskets and containers should also be moved outside. Fill in the gaps in your garden with lovely annuals such sweet peas and use the pansies and petunias to fill those summer baskets with lots of glorious colour. Hanging basket plants should also be trimmed to encourage new growth.
You will also now be reaping the benefits of sowing your fruit and vegetable crops earlier in the year. June is a month for harvesting crops that have been grown undercover rather than planting new ones. From early potatoes, broad beans, mange tout and peas, not to mention the salad crops and even your first tomatoes are possible by the end of the month, there’s a whole host of home-grown bounty that will be gracing your table this month. Whilst we are on the subject of tomatoes, now’s the time to pinch out any side shoots as these can be potted up to create new plants.

Don’t forget about harvesting your rainwater too. Now’s the time of year that the water collected into your water barrel through your Elite rainwater kit comes into its own. Check plants in your greenhouse daily and water them throughout the day using or Big Drippa if the soil is dry. Use the collected rainwater rather than tap water for your containers and baskets as tap water contains lime and will reduce the acidity of soil over time.
June is also the time you should consider growing something really different in your greenhouse. The most exciting thing about growing fruit and vegetables in a warm environment is the unlimited number of exciting options that are available. Trying to grow something unusual can be a challenge to yourself, but an extra benefit is the variety and flavour it adds to your recipes and diet come harvest time. You can try growing all manner of tropical fruit and vegetables, maybe melons, aubergines or some exotic chillis. Also if you want those pumpkins to be ready for Halloween, now’s the time to be planting them. Go under glass this June to discover a new world!!!