Agent name
Customer name
Reference Number
Is the address hard to find or it is a house name? How do we find the property? Please give landmarks near the property, e.g., Across the road from the pub, near the school, after the post box, what colour is the gate / front door?
Are there any low or narrow bridges, narrow roads or any restrictions you can think of in gaining access to the property?
Can we get there with this Class II 15 ton vehicle? (High: 11’4” Long: 30’ Wide: 8’6”) If the answer is no, an alternative address and meeting place must be arranged before the greenhouse is scheduled for delivery.
We are unable to carry goods through a house, because of the risk of damage to both people and property.The driver cannot be expected to walk more than approximately 50 yards. You do not need to be home to accept delivery, if there is somewhere safe for the driver to leave the goods– he will.
Driver instructions (eg, leave down the side of the house)
If you have any queries or questions talk to one of our helpful team on 01204 791488.